Promotional (Marketing) ROI

Calculating a return-on-investment (ROI) can be challenging. The experts at StudyLogic work with clients to develop customized ROI metrics that produce accurate projections. No matter what event, program or initiative, we can develop a customized solution to measure your company’s promotional success.The Eye-On Competitive Retail Study can track individual local market promotions in real-time. The key to our tracking success is our digital panel reporting system; our panel members report daily unit consumption by vendor and product category. Immediately upon reporting, local unit data is converted into actual market share.

This enables our tracking program to measure the ROI using market share gain/loss metrics. With our advanced technology, we can customize any short or long term promotional tracking in real-time.


Promotional performance results are measured by actual percentage-point market share gains. Percentage point market share gains are calculated by base-period to end-period comparisons.
Promotional success reporting is available by:
Day / Month / Biennial • Week / Quarter / Annual