Data Capabilities
Total U.S. + Local Market Data Capabilities
– Data available on the site Quarterly back to 2000
– Periods: Q1,Q2,Q3 AND Q4 of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and Q1, Q2, Q3 of 2012
– DMA/Markets: 210/300+ MSA’s
– Monthly Total U.S. Updates
Annual Store Counts | Average Unit Volume | Total Sales | Average Check | Total Transactions | Monthly Purchase Frequency | Unique Customer Counts | Population Reach
Day Part Sales | Day Part Transactions | Order Method Sales | Order Method Transactions | Dine-In, Carry-out Sales& Transactions | Annual Demographics | Attributes/Customer Ratings | Brand Awareness (Aided-Un-Aided)
Total Sandwich Sales | Total Sandwich Trans | Breakfast Sales | Breakfast Trans | Burger Sales | Burger Trans | Chicken Sales | Chicken Trans | Day of Week Sales | Party Size Data | Consumer Ratings | Brand Awareness | Total Beverage Sales/Trans
And Many More Food and Beverage Categories
Reporting Frequency
- Total U.S. Topline: Monthly
- Total U.S. Complete: Quarterly
- 194 Local Market/DMA’s: Quarterly
- 40 Hispanic Markets: Quarterly
- Annual Store Counts:
- Average Unit Volume
- Total Sales
- Average Check
- Total Transactions
- Monthly Purchase Frequency
- Unique Customer Counts
- Population Reach
- Party Size
- Medium Pizza Pricing
- Large Pizza Pricing
Customer Profile
Annual Demographics
Attributes/Customer Ratings
Brand Awareness (Aided-Un-Aided)
Attributes includes:
- Price value (10 point scale 10=excellent, 1 = poor)
- Taste (10 point scale 10=excellent, 1 = poor)
- Recommend (10 point scale 10=definitely, 1 = not at all)
- NPS SCORE = recommend
- Quality (10 point scale 10=excellent, 1 = poor)
- Overall satisfaction (5 point scale 5=very satisfied, 1 = not at all)
Some of our Categories
Day Part Sales
Day Part Transactions
Order Method Sales/Trans
Online, Telephone, In-Person
Dine-In, Carry-out Sales & Trans Actions
Day of week Sales
Combo Meal Sales/Trans
Consumer Deals/Promos
Wing Sales/Trans
Total Pizza Sales/Trans
Pasta Sales/Trans
Burger Sales/Trans
Chicken Sales/Trans
Total Sides Sales/Trans
Total Beverage Sales/Trans
Breakfast Sales/Sides
Seafood Sales/Trans
Dessert Sales/Trans
Salad Sales/Trans
Learn More about StudyLogic Food Services
Food Services Overview
Our Methodology
In Home Food Services
Away from Home Food Services
StudyLogic’s Partnership with the National Coffee Association