STUDYLOGIC Predicts Specialty Iced-Coffee (Nitro+Cold-Brewed) to overtake Frozen Coffee Volume by 2022

STUDYLOGIC Predicts Specialty Iced-Coffee (Nitro+Cold-Brewed) to overtake Frozen Coffee Volume by 2022

June 2018

Market Intelligence Firm, STUDYLOGIC predicts a category leader by 2022. Currently, there are under 4B cups of Frozen Coffee consumed annually (12 months ending June 2018) around the Globe. STUDYLOGIC predicts that by 2022, Total Specialty Iced-Coffee (Nitro+Cold-Brewed) will peak at about 5B cups Globally.

According to Analytics Director John Ellery: we are seeing a global evolution similar to what had occurred during 2000 to 2010 where consumers shifted their consumption from Regular Brewed Coffee to Espresso Beverages. Consumers desire a better tasting cup of Iced-Coffee and the Specialty Cold category is where the shift is occurring.

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